Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

My Adventure - Bromo Mountain

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is one of the most famous and most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia. It is located in Tengger, in East Java.

Mount Bromo is one of two volcanoes that were created following a massive eruption which created an enormous caldera in which are the active Mount Bromo and the non-active Mount Batok.

The caldera has seen been filled with grey sands, and is called Laut Pasir or Sand Sea. Trekkers walk through this expanse on their way to Mount Bromo. The scenery is reminiscent of earth in its primeval age or a moonscape. This is more so when a layer of mist carpets the caldera floor.

Standing at a height of 2392 meters, Mount Bromo isn't the tallest mountain in Java. That title goes to 3676 meter tall Mount Semeru, located to the south of Mount Bromo and within sight. Also called Mahameru, meaning "great mountain", Mount Semeru is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia constantly belching steam from its peak.

An undulating plateau interrupted by valleys and lakes reaches right to the foot of Mount Semeru. They are all located within the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park.

Ah....pake bahasa indonesia tercinta sajalah.
hanya sekedar sharing, kali aja bermanfaat bagi mereka yang pengen ke bromo. aku pernah kesan, tepatnya pada tanggal 2 April 2010, bersama teman-teman. Kami berangkat malam biar pas di bromo bisa pagi hari i mean we can look a beauty of sunrise.
Aku dan teman-teman kali ini akan ke penenjakan bromo, Jangan lupa kalau kesana bawa jaket dobel-dobel ( jangan sok tahan dingin ) karena disana lebih dari sekedar dingin, nggak percaya? coba saja sendiri....hehehe.terus kondisi badan musti fit karena jalannya itu berkelok-kelok kayak tamia ( harusnya ini disampaikan bagian awal hehehe).
sambil menunggu matahari terbit aku dan teman-teman mati-matian nahan hawa dingin brrrrrrrrrrrr.....tapi sedikit-demi sedikit matahari itu muncull......kayak foto-fotoku ini kronologinya.

tuh...matahari dah mulai intip-intip

sunrise has comes

this is it............

and...thats me...uyunk beibz hohoho
dan mulailah aku dan teman-teman saling bergaya, berfoto.
swear dehhhh indahhh banget......kayak foto kalender gitu, tapi ini bukan kalender tapi nyata di depan mata.

dan waktu perjalanan pulang bisa lihat pemandangan yang juga ok bgt.....

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